FREE Marketing Seminar for Educators and Coaches

Learn how you can GROW your business

The enrichment industry is warming up since Singapore has started opening up. Coaches and schools are actively recruiting more students and growing their businesses.

As the student count grows, management of the students such as attendance taking, announcements, fee collections and maintaining students name lists become bottlenecks that slow down businesses.

This seminar explores the use of technology to address the above challenges and help coaches and schools be successful in their business. Learn how you can start managing your business and get more students using Lesson Plan in just 6 minutes.


Date: 15th December 2022

Time: 11am - 12pm

Location: Online

This 1-hour seminar will grant you insights about the digital marketplace landscape, how to fully utilise the digital marketplace for students recruitment as well as the management of class listings and at the end of the session, you will be given the opportunity to interact with like-minded coaches in your area of expertise, be it Sports, Arts or Academics.

So, what are you waiting for? Seize this opportunity to sign up for our seminar NOW!